Tuesday 23 April 2013

Life Is Short

Right now, after this week at work, and all that I've been pondering as a result, nothing is more in tune with me than this poster by Kevin Caplicki.

((It also fits in with a lot of what myself and Lindsay Starbuck have been discussing re. our contribution to this year's Ante art festival to be held over May Day weekend in Shipley (more on this later, but for now here's the facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/168941936594177/permalink/175176799304024/#!/events/408377285927531/?fref=ts) OR: http://www.facebook.com/#!/events/443927942362210/?fref=ts - not quite sure why there's 2 different pages))

The 'Life Is Short' silkscreen poster was created for the 2013 Justseeds collaborative installation/exhibition, 'Uprisings: Images of Labor'

Kevin says: I chose to evaluate whether "work" is a valuable way to spend time, reinterpreting World War II slogans "Time is short" and "Make every minute count", for my contribution to out "labor" themed exhibition.

The print is available to buy on white or brown paper: http://www.justseeds.org/kevin_caplicki/18lifeisshort.html

This print was designed by Laurel Bell and Kevin Caplicki, entirely handmade with films cut from rubylith, stencils, and spraypaint, then printed cooperatively with Jesse Purcell, Laurel Bell, and others on recycled Mr. French paper.


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